A recent voyage on a 95 ft windjammer sailing from Camden Maine, we were in search of birds, whales and other sea life. Our tall ship would first forage fog and winds and wind around remote islands (some untouched by man, others graced with quaint fishing villages) before it was far enough out to sea where we hoped for whale sightings. Of course we delighted in the ship itself, swift and snug, it’s steel and wood construction combined the 21st Century’s highest technology and the authenticity of classic 19th century English Channel and North Sea windjammers.
Today there are sailing school vessels that offer courses to train young sailors in seamanship and keep alive the old craft. We passed one such ship, the Picton Castle (#2 & 6), 18 sails and 284 tons, on their voyage around the world. Our ship blew a horn salute and they returned in kind as we all stood in wonder of this majestic vessel.